Mangos $2-$3 per pound

Mango season is here! This fine selection is from one of the many vendors at the Kaka'ako Farmer's Market weekly Saturday offering from 8am - 12pm.
Typically producing flowers from December through April, the trees begin bearing fruit in May peaking in July and lasting as late a December. There was a time when friends and family would bring over the harvest from their yard in brown paper bags by the load. Now that the
yearly ritual has subsided, taking to the stores and neighborhood markets seems to be the norm. Living in a condo does have it's benefits. No overripe fallen mangos to pickup or leaves to rake, or better yet no yard to maintain! What's your favorite variety - Hayden, Pirie, Common? Pick'em off the tree and peel'em with your teeth? Any great mango bread recipes to share?